商店街の活性化を図るために商店街共有ブランドとして立ち上げたプロジェクト。 モモゾノクラフトブランドから、アパレルからビールまで様々なプロダクトをリリース。業種を超えた交流を生み、商店街を線で繋ぎ面となって地域PRを行うことで、中野駅南口住民と商店街店舗の交流を促進させるツールとる役目を担う。
About momozono-craft
A project launched as a Momozono Arcade’s shared brand to revitalize the shopping street. Various products from Momozono Craft brand will be launched from clothings to beer. We have the role to activate exchanges between residents and shops of JR Nakano Station’s south exit by creating exchanges across industries and regional promotions.

『モモゾノクラフト FBJ Peach』の特徴
Momozono craft FBJ Peach
Weizen uses the brand peach" Akatsuki "from Fukushima Prefecture. Mainly made from wheat malt, it has a mellow taste and a fruity peach aroma. You can feel the strong taste of beer while adding a lot of fresh peaches. One of the real pleasures is to enjoy the scent of peaches that deepens over time and the complex changes in taste that make you feel like a banana nectar. Enjoy a blissful cup combined with creamy foam.